1. Product Name Company
Silicon Carbide
2266 Anamushi Kashiba City NARA JAPAN
2. Composition/Information
Chemical Name: Silicon Carbide
CAS number:409-21-2
Impurities contributing to There are no restrictive to the regular use of the product the hazard:
3. Hazards Identification
Adverse human health Effects: High concentrations would cause irritation to the respiratory system Environmental Effects: No environmental effect has been identified in the regular use of the product Physical and Chemical Hazards: No physical or chemical hazard has been identified in the regular use of the product
Specific Hazards: No specific hazard has been identified in the regular use of the product
4. First aid Measures
Inhalation: In case of respiratory difficulties, move to ventilated areas and look for medical assistance, Skin Contact: In case of skin irritation, wash the affected local with fresh water and look for medical Assistance
Eye Contact: In case of eyes irritation, wash your eyes with fresh water, and look for medical assistance Ingestion: Look for medical assistance.
5. Fire-Fighting Measures
General Information: Not Flammable.Extinguishing Media: Use the adequate extinguisher according to the fire source.
6. Accidental Release Measures
Personal Precautions: In high levels of airborne exposure, respiratory and eyes protection. If possible, use a exhausting system. Environmental Precautions: This product is inert to the environment and don`t request any special precaution
7.Handling And Storage
Technical Measures: There are no restrictions.
Precautions: Material may be stared in dry and ventilated local, avoiding humidity contact. Avoid contact with other products to prevent contaminations. Respect a maximum of three pallets or big bags stack. This material must be kept away from sharp-edged materials to avoid package damaging. Safe handling Advice: Respect the maximum stack of three pallets or super sacs.
Technical Measures: There are no restrictions.
Storage conditions: May be stored in dry, ventilated and free of contaminations. It’s not recommended humidity
Levels higher than 65%.
Incompatible Products: No restrictive information has been found about incompatible products during storage.
Packing Materials: It’s recommended to main the material in its original packing, including original pallet.
8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Personal Protective Equipment
Respiratory Protection: In normal conditions a NIOSH/MSHA approved air respirator is recommended.
Hand Protection: Impervious gloves are recommended.
Eye Protection: Approval Chemical workers goggles.
Skin and Body Protection: Entire body clothes are recommended.
Airborne Exposure Limit:6mg/㎥
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical State: Solid
Color: Black
Odor: Odorless
ph{24%} : 9
Fusion Point: 2600℃
Flash Point: Not applicable
Explosion Properties: Not applicable
Density: 3.20g/ cm²
Solubility: Not soluble in water
10. Reactivity
Hazardous Reaction: There are no restrictions.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: There are no restrictions in the regular use of the material.
11. Toxicological Information
Acute Toxicity: There are no restrictions in the regular personal exposition. Local Effects: There are no restrictions in the regular personal exposition. Other Indication: The inhalation of dust must be prevented, because inert material can also harm the respiratory ways.
12. Ecological Information
Information related with normal routes of exposition had not been found . Environmental problems are not expected when the product is handled and used as indicated.13.Disposal Considerations Waste from Residues: Waste of this product must be dispose of in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
There is no restrictive hazardous information about recycling this product. Residues of this product must be disposed according to the regulation. Contaminated Packing: Waste of this product packing must be dispose of in accordance with federal, state and local regulation.
13. Contaminated Packing :
Waste of this product packing must be dispose of in accordance with federal ,state and local regulations. There is no restrictive hazardous information about recycling the packing.
14. Transport Information
Transport Information: There are no restrictions.
15. Regulatory Information
There are no specific international regulations for this product. State and local regulations must be consulted.
16. Other Information
It is not required any special procedure to collect the material. This electro fused is not recommended for use in food, medicine and cosmetic products. The improper use of this product or its information above exempts KOWA of any responsibility.
All data showed in this document are typical, small variations may occur.